Meaning of CHIN CACTUS in English

any of about 60 species of the genus Gymnocalycium, family Cactaceae, native to South America and named for the chinlike protuberance below each spine-bearing areole (special bud) on the ribs. Many natural and cultivated varieties are available, the most outstanding of which is G. mihanovichii 'Hibotan,' a glowing red, which must be grown grafted onto a normal cactus because it lacks chlorophyll and cannot synthesize its own food. Varieties of other colours also have been developed and are seen in the florist trade. The plants are globose to cylindrical; flowers are most often white or cream, with shades of pink, yellow, or red in some species and varieties. Some authorities include Weingartia and Neowerdermannia in the genus Gymnocalycium.

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