born July 22, 1878, Nancy, France died Sept. 27, 1956, Saint-Amour French historian of the early modern period and organizer of major national and international intellectual projects. In his books and editorial efforts, Febvre embraced a global history that rejected all forms of pedantry and determinism. Febvre, the son of a professor from the mountainous eastern border region of the Franche-Comt, was educated in Paris at the Lyce Louis-le-Grand and the cole Normale Suprieure (18991902), where he graduated as agrg in history and geography. His first books, Philippe II et la Franche-Comt: tude d'histoire politique, religieuse et sociale (1911), a brilliant local as well as global study of an isolated, strife-ridden province during the second half of the 16th century, and Histoire de Franche-Comt (1912), a broad investigation of the region based on a problem-centred approach to historical analysis, displayed his talents in art and literature as well as the social sciences. After teaching in two secondary schools, he was appointed in 1912 to the University of Dijon. During World War I Febvre performed valiantly at the front. He rose in rank from sergeant to captain, was decorated four times, received the Croix de Guerre, and was admitted to the Legion of Honour. In 1919 he was appointed to the newly liberated University of Strasbourg, where he remained until 1933. While there he produced La Terre et l'volution humaine, introduction gographique l'histoire (1922; A Geographical Introduction to History), examining the interplay among contingency, logic, and necessity in human history, and Un Destin: Martin Luther (1928; Martin Luther: A Destiny), placing the fiery reformer within the context of the socioeconomic, political, and religious elements of his age. In 1929 Febvre and his younger colleague Marc Bloch founded the Annales d'histoire conomique et sociale, a journal that championed a more dynamic and human history. Febvre was a popular, if forbidding, professor whose lectures and reviews were laced with candour, wit, and barbs at traditionalists. In 1933 Febvre left Strasbourg for the Collge de France, the most independent and prestigious institution in the French academic system. There he continued editing the Annales with Bloch and also initiated the publication of the 21-volume Encyclopdie franaise (193566), a major government-sponsored enterprise aimed at rivaling the German, Italian, and Soviet encyclopaedias. Under the Nazi occupation during World War II, Febvre stayed at his teaching post in Paris, edited the Annales alone, and occasionally retreated to his beloved country house in the Franche-Comt. During this dark time in his and France's history, Febvre produced a virtuoso work of historical psychology. Entering the stormy spiritual environmenta universe inhabited by demonsof Franois Rabelais 400 years earlier, in La Problme de l'incroyance au XVIe sicle: la religion de Rabelais (1942; The Problem of Unbelief in the Sixteenth Century: The Religion of Rabelais) Febvre probed the mental apparatus of Renaissance France as expressed in its words, feelings, and mental structures. After the liberation, Febvre achieved national and global prominence at the head of several major institutions, journals, and international projects. He cofounded and directed the Sixth Section devoted to the social sciences of the cole Pratique des Hautes tudes (1947). He also was director of the Revue d'histoire de la deuxieme guerre mondiale (1950) and the Cahiers d'histoire mondiale (1953), as well as leader of the French delegation to UNESCO. Without Bloch, who had joined the Resistance and was killed by the Germans in 1944, Febvre revived and renamed their journal Annales: conomies, socits, civilisations. In the postwar period the journal became a vanguard of original, interdisciplinary scholarship and the house journal of the Annales school of history. In Combats pour l'histoire (1953) Febvre's essays reinforced the mystique of a crusader for original ideas, a versatile and contentious intellectual, and a severe, witty iconoclast. Neither a systematic nor a consistent thinker, his principal contributions were his acute critical skills and generous inspiration to younger scholars, especially Fernand Braudel, who succeeded him as editor of the Annales, head of the Sixth Section, and leader of the Annales school. Posthumous publications include L'Apparition du livre (1958; The Coming of the Book, with Henri-Jean Martin), a collaborative study of the impact of printing on the intellectual, social, and religious life of the 15th and 16th centuries; Pour une histoire part entire (1962; Life in Renaissance France ), five lectures displaying Febvre's eclecticism and aggressive intellectual style, covering methodology, philosophy of history, and various aspects of Renaissance civilization; and A New Kind of History: From the Writings of Febvre (1973), a valuable selection of essays and reviews written between 1930 and 1950. Additional reading Hans-Dieter Mann, Lucien Febvre: la pense vivante d'un historien (1971), is a critical discussion of Febvre's intellectual genealogy and influence. Guy Massicotte, L'Histoire problme: la mthode de Lucien Febvre (1981), is a meticulous examination of Febvre's writings. Carole K. Fink
Meaning of FEBVRE, LUCIEN PAUL VICTOR in English
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