Additional reading For detailed bibliographical information, see F. Seebass, Hlderlin-Bibliographie (1922); A. Kelletat and M. Kohler, Hlderlin-Bibliographie 19381950 (1953); and the periodical surveys in the Hlderlin-Jahrbuch from 1947.The major modern edition of Hlderlin's works is Smtliche Werke, ed. by Friedrich Beissner (vol. 15, 194652) and Adolf Beck (vol. 67: the Letters, 1954 ). Beissner has also edited a plain text of the complete works in one volume (1964). There is a one-volume collection of Hlderlin's letters, ed. by Ernst Bertram (1935). The poems of Hlderlin's maturity, together with the second and third fragmentary versions of his drama Der Tod des Empedokles, have been trans. by Michael Hamburger: Friedrich Hlderlin: Poems and Fragments, bilingual edition (1966). A translation of Selected Poems was published in 1944 (2nd ed., 1954) by J.B. Leishman. Hyperion has been translated by W.R. Trask (1965).There are several biographical and critical studies in English: Ronald Peacock, Hlderlin (1938); Agnes Stanfield, Hlderlin (1944); and L.S. Salzberger, Hlderlin (1952). Important aspects of Hlderlin's art are discussed by E.L. Stahl in Hlderlin's Symbolism (1945); and in Hlderlin's Idea of Poetry, in The Era of Goethe (1959). Wilhelm Dilthey's essay on Hlderlin in Das Erlebnis und die Dichtung (1906) remains a classic. A number of illuminating studies by various hands are gathered together in ber Hlderlin, ed. by J. Schmidt (1970). Alessandro Pellegrini has written a detailed history of Hlderlin criticism: Friedrich Hlderlin: Sein Bild in der Forschung (1965). Richard Unger studies All-Unity as a dominant aspect of Hlderlin's poetry in Hlderlin's Major Poetry: The Dialectics of Unity (1976). Major Works: Hyperion, oder der Eremit in Griechenland, vol. 1 (1797), vol. 2 (1799), epistolary novel; verse translations of Sophocles' Antigone and Oedipus Tyrannus (1804). Hyperion and the translations were the only works published in book form before the onset of Hlderlin's madness. Several editions of selected poems were published in the 19th century, the first in 1826 (edited by L. Uhland and G. Schwab), but it was not until the 1920s that a reliable and comprehensive edition was available. Among his best known poems are: (written before 1802) Der Mensch, Hyperions Schicksaalslied, An die Parzen, An die Hoffnung, Brot und Wein; (written between 1802 and 1806) Hlfte des Lebens, Der blinde Snger, Germanien, Der Rhein, Der Einzige, and Patmos.
Meaning of HOLDERLIN, FRIEDRICH in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012