born Nov. 30, 1508, Padua, Republic of Venice died August 1580, Vicenza original name Andrea Di Pietro Della Gondola Italian architect, regarded as the greatest architect of 16th-century northern Italy. His designs for palaces (palazzi) and villas, notably the Villa Rotonda (155051) near Vicenza, and his treatise I quattro libri dell'architettura (1570; The Four Books of Architecture) made him one of the most influential figures in Western architecture. Additional reading Lionello Puppi, Andrea Palladio (1975; originally published in Italian, 2 vol., 1973), treats both his life and accomplishments. James S. Ackerman, Palladio, 2nd ed. (1979, reissued 1986), is a reliable historical-critical essay on Palladio's oeuvre as a whole. Rudolf Wittkower, Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism, 4th ed. (1973), contains the most illuminating analysis of Palladio's design ideas, particularly his use of mathematical proportions. Joseph C. Farber and Henry Hope Reed, Palladio's Architecture and Its Influence: A Photographic Guide (1980), portrays a selection of his villas and other buildings and offers examples of his influence in England, Scotland, and the United States. Major Works: Villas. Villa Godi, Lonedo (c. 154042); Villa Marcello, Bertesina (c. 154044); Villa Poiana, Poiana Maggiore (c. 154550); Villa Thiene, Quinto (c. 1550); Villa Pisani, Bagnolo (1540s60s); Villa Rotondo, Vicenza (155051); Villa Pisani, Montagnana (c. 155355); Villa Badoer, Fratta Polesine (155463); Villa Chiericati, Vancimuglio (155457); Villa Emo, Franzolo (late 1550s); Villa Barbaro, Maser (c. 155559); Villa Cornaro, Piombino Dese (c. 156065); Villa Valmarana, Lisiera (c. 156566). Palaces and public buildings. Palazzo Civena, Vicenza (154046); Palazzo Thiene, Vicenza (c. 154550); Basilica, Vicenza (design accepted 1548, finished 1617); Palazzo Chiericati, Vicenza (1550); Palazzo Valmarana, Vicenza (156566); Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza (157980). Churches. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, refectory (156062), church (1566, completed 1610); S. Francesco della Vigna, Venice ( c. 1565); Il Redentore, Venice (begun 1576); Tempietto, Maser (design 1579, begun 1580).
Meaning of PALLADIO, ANDREA in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012