born March 31, 1914, Mexico City, Mexico died April 19, 1998, Mexico City Mexican poet, writer, and diplomat, recognized as one of the major Latin American writers of the 20th century. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1990. Paz's family was ruined financially by the Mexican Civil War, and he grew up in straitened circumstances. Nonetheless, he had access to the excellent library that had been stocked by his grandfather, a politically active liberal intellectual who had himself been a writer. Paz was educated at a Roman Catholic school and at the University of Mexico. He published his first book of poetry, Luna silvestre (Forest Moon), in 1933 at age 19. In 1937 the young poet visited Spain, where he identified strongly with the Republican cause in the Spanish Civil War. His reflection on that experience, Bajo tu clara sombra y otros poemas (Beneath Your Clear Shadow and Other Poems), was published in Spain in 1937 and revealed him as a writer of real promise. Before returning home Paz visited Paris, where Surrealism and its adherents exerted a profound influence on him. Back in Mexico, Paz founded and edited several important literary reviews, including Taller (Workshop) from 1938 to 1941 and El hijo prdigo (The Prodigal Son), which he cofounded in 1943. His major poetic publications included No pasaran! (1937; They Shall Not Pass!), Libertad bajo palabra (1949; Freedom Under Parole), guila o sol? (1951; Eagle or Sun?), and Piedra de sol (1957; The Sun Stone). In the same period, he produced prose volumes of essays and literary criticism, including El laberinto de la soledad (1950; The Labyrinth of Solitude), an influential essay in which he analyzes the character, history, and culture of Mexico; and El arco y la lira (1956; The Bow and the Lyre) and Las peras del olmo (1957; The Pears of the Elm), which are studies of contemporary Spanish American poetry. Paz entered Mexico's diplomatic corps in 1945, after having lived for two years in San Francisco and New York, and served in a variety of assignments, including one as Mexico's ambassador to India from 1962 to 1968; in the latter year he resigned in protest over Mexico's brutal treatment of student radicals that year. In the 1970s he edited Plural, a review of literature and politics. His poetry after 1962 includes Blanco (1967; Eng. trans. Blanco), influenced by Stphane Mallarm's poetry and John Cage's theories on music; Ladera este (1971; East Slope), which is suffused with Paz's understanding of East Indian myths; Hijos del aire (1979; Airborn), sonnet sequences created by Paz and the poet Charles Tomlinson building on each other's lines; and rbol adentro (1987; A Tree Within), in which many of the poems are based on works by artists such as Marcel Duchamp and Robert Rauschenberg. An English-language selection, The Collected Poems of Octavio Paz, 19571987, was published in 1987. His later prose works, some originally in English, include Conjunciones y disyunciones (1969; Conjunctions and Disjunctions), a discussion of the world's cultural attitudes; El mono gramtico (1974; The Monkey Grammarian), a meditation on language; and Tiempo nublado (1983; Clouded Time, translated as One Earth, Four or Five Worlds: Reflections on Contemporary History), a study of international politics with emphasis on the relationship between the United States and Latin America. Paz was influenced in turn by Marxism, Surrealism, existentialism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. In the poetry of his maturity, he used a rich flow of surrealistic imagery in dealing with metaphysical questions. As one critic said, he explored the zones of modern culture outside the marketplace, and his most prominent theme was the human ability to overcome existential solitude through erotic love and artistic creativity. In addition to the Nobel Prize, Paz received numerous other awards, including the Cervantes Prize, the most prestigious Spanish-language accolade. His Obra completas (Complete Works) were published in 1994. Bibliography Among the many works of criticism are Jos Quiroga, Understanding Octavio Paz (1999); Frances Chiles, Octavio Paz, the Mythic Dimension (1987); Jason Wilson, Octavio Paz (1986); John M. Fein, Toward Octavio Paz: A Reading of His Major Poems, 19571976 (1986); and Rachel Phillips, The Poetic Modes of Octavio Paz (1972).
Meaning of PAZ, OCTAVIO in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012