Meaning of STATISTICS: PAKISTAN in English

Pakistan Official name: Islam-i Jamhuriya-e Pakistan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan). Form of government: multiparty, federal Islamic republic with two legislative houses (Senate ; National Assembly ). Chief of state: President. Chief of government: Prime Minister. Capital: Islamabad. Official language: Urdu. Official religion: Islam. Monetary unit: 1 Pakistan rupee (PRs) = 100 paisa, valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) 1 U.S.$ = PRs 50.07; 1 = PRs 85.24. Demography Population (1998){1}: 141,900,000. Density (1998){2}: persons per sq mi 461.7, persons per sq km 178.2. Urban-rural (1996): urban 32.4%; rural 67.6%. Sex distribution (1996): male 52.50%; female 47.50%. Age breakdown (1995): under 15, 41.3%; 15-29, 25.1%; 30-44, 17.1%; 45-59, 10.5%; 60-74, 4.9%; 75 and over, 1.1%. Population projection: (2000) 147,140,000; (2010) 176,400,000. Doubling time: 25 years. Linguistic composition (1981): Punjabi 48.2%; Pashto 13.1%; Sindhi 11.8%; Saraiki 9.8%; Urdu 7.6%; other 9.5%. Religious affiliation (1993): Muslim 95.0%{3}; Christian 2.0%; Hindu 1.8%; others (including Ahmadiyah) 1.2%. Major cities (1981): Larachi 5,208,132; Lahore 2,952,689; Faisalabad 1,104,209; Rawalpindi 794,843; Islamabad 204,364. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1997): 36.4 (world avg. 25.0). Death rate per 1,000 population (1997): 7.9 (world avg. 9.3). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1997): 28.5 (world avg. 15.7). Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman; 1997): 5.1. Marriage rate per 1,000 population (1975-80): 10.7. Divorce rate per 1,000 population (1975-80): 0.3. Life expectancy at birth (1997): male 63.0 years; female 65.0 years. Major cause of death (percentage of total deaths; 1987): malaria 18.2%; childhood diseases 12.1%; diseases of digestive system 9.8%; diseases of respiratory system 9.2%; infection of intestinal tract 7.7%. National economy Budget (1995-96). Revenue: PRs 378,030,000,000 (customs duties 24.4%, nontax receipts 23.8%, income taxes 20.2%, excise taxes 13.6%, sales tax 13.4%). Expenditures: PRs 434,690,000,000 (public-debt service 36.2%, defense 26.5%, development 22.2%, general administration 3.9%). Public debt (external, outstanding; 1996): U.S.$23,694,000,000. Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing (1996): sugarcane 45,230,000, wheat 16,907,000, rice 5,551,000, seed cotton 4,597,000, cottonseed 3,065,000, corn (maize) 1,300,000, potatoes 1,064,000, chickpeas 638,000, rapeseed 246,000; livestock (number of live animals) 45,600,000 goats, 29,800,000 sheep, 20,200,000 buffalo, 17,900,000 cattle, 110,000,000 chickens; roundwood (1995) 29,665,000 cu m; fish catch (1994) 551,899. Mining and quarrying (1994-95): limestone 9,682,000; rock salt 890,000; gypsum 624,000; silica sand 152,000; chromite 13,513. Manufacturing (1994-95): cement 7,913,000; chemical fertilizers 3,826,000 of which urea 3,000,000; refined sugar 3,001,000; cotton yarn 1,370,000; vegetable products 678,000; industrial chemicals 377,000; paper and paperboard 215,000; jute textiles 67,300; cotton textiles 321,841,000 sq m; cigarettes 32,747,000,000 units; motor-vehicle tires 912,000 units; bicycles 475,000 units. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 1994) 57,147,000,000 (57,147,000,000); coal (metric tons; 1994) 3,534,000 (4,628,000); crude petroleum (barrels; 1994) 20,805,000 (50,063,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 1994) 5,778,000 (13,511,000); natural gas (cu m; 1994) 16,668,000,000 (16,668,000,000). Population economically active (1995-96): total 36,700,000; activity rate of total population 27.9% (participation rates: ages 15-64 50.4%; female 14.2%; unemployed 4.9%). Gross national product (1996): U.S.$63,567,000,000 (U.S.$480 per capita). Household income and expenditure (1988). Average household size 6.3; income per household PRs 25,572 (U.S.$1,420); sources of income: self-employment 56.0%, wages and salaries 22.0%, other 22.0%; expenditure: food 47.0%, housing 12.0%, clothing and footwear 8.0%, other 33.0%. Tourism (1995): receipts U.S.$114,000,000; expenditures U.S.$449,000,000. Land use (1994): forest 4.5%; pasture 6.5%; agriculture 27.7%; other 61.3%. Foreign trade{4} Imports (1994-95): PRs 332,835,000,000 (petroleum products 15.3%, vegetable oil and fats 9.8%, specialized machinery 9.1%, power-generating machinery 4.9%, road vehicles 4.2%, organic chemicals 4.2%, wheat 4.0%, iron and steel manufactures 3.6%, industrial machinery 3.4%). Major import sources: Japan 9.2%; U.S. 9.0%; Malaysia 8.5%; Germany 6.5%; Kuwait 5.6%; Italy 5.0%; U.K. 4.9%; Saudi Arabia 4.8%; China 4.2%; South Korea 3.1%. Exports (1994-95): PRs 260,522,000,000 (textile fabrics 52.8%, ready-made garments 20.5%, rice 5.6%, leather goods 3.5%, fresh fish 1.9%, cotton 1.8%). Major export destinations: U.S. 16.6%; Germany 6.8%; U.K. 6.8%; Japan 6.4%; Dubayy 3.9%; France 3.2%; S. Korea 3.2%; Netherlands 3.1%. Transport Transport. Railroads (1994-95): route length 8,775 km; passenger-km 17,555,000,000; metric ton-km cargo 5,661,000,000. Roads (1994-95): total length 123,585 mi, 198,891 km (paved 55%). Vehicles (1994): passenger cars 955,098; trucks and buses 225,829. Merchant marine (1992): vessels (100 gross tons and over) 73; total deadweight tonnage 513,823. Air transport (1996): passenger-km 11,123,000,000; metric ton-km cargo 423,424,000; airports (1997) 35. Education and health Educational attainment (1981). Percentage of population age 25 and over having: no formal schooling 78.9%; some primary education 8.7%; some secondary 10.5%; postsecondary 1.9%. Literacy (1995): total population age 15 and over literate 37.8%; males literate 50.0%; females literate 24.4%. Health (1995): physicians 69,694 (1 per 1,863 persons); hospital beds 85,552 (1 per 1,517 persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births (1997) 75. Food (1995): daily per capita caloric intake 2,475 (vegetable products 86%, animal products 14%); 107% of FAO recommended minimum requirement. Military Total active duty personnel (1996): 587,000 (army 88.6%, navy 3.7%, air force 7.7%). Military expenditure as percentage of GNP (1994): 6.0% (world 3.0%); per capita expenditure U.S.$24. {1} Excludes 1,200,000 Afghan refugees and the population (3,900,000) of Azad Kashmir (AK) and the Northern Areas (NA). {2} Excludes area and population of Azad Kashmir (AK) and the Northern Areas (NA). {3} Mostly Sunni, with Shi'i comprising about 20% of total population. {4} Import figures are f.o.b. in balance of trade and c.i.f for commodities and trading partners.

Britannica English vocabulary.      Английский словарь Британика.