died c. 446 theologian, bishop of Ancyra, and a leading advocate of orthodoxy in the discussion of the nature and Person of Christ at the Council of Ephesus in 431. Theodotus was a determined opponent of Nestorius, bishop of Constantinople, whose views had led to the summoning of the council and whom Theodotus had earlier supported. Now standing beside Cyril of Alexandria, Nestorius' chief opponent, Theodotus affirmed the two-fold nature united in Christ's Person. Nestorius was condemned, and Theodotus served as a member of the delegation sent by the council to explain its decrees to the Nestorian-leaning emperor Theodosius II. The Nestorian party denounced Theodotus in 432 at its own Synod of Tarsus. Theodotus' writings include an explanation of the Nicene Creed in which he asserted that Nestorius' views had already been condemned by the first Council of Nicaea in 325. Two sermons on Christmas and one on the Feast of the Lights (in honour of the Virgin Mary) are significant witnesses to the existence of these ritual celebrations in the early 5th century. A lost work in six books refuting Nestorius was referred to at the second Council of Nicaea in 787.
Meaning of THEODOTUS OF ANCYRA in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012