Meaning of YELLOW PAGES in English

a book (or in the US sometimes part of a book) printed on yellow paper and containing the telephone numbers and addresses of companies, arranged in alphabetical order according to the kind of business they are involved in. There are different versions for each area of the country. In Britain the company that publishes the Yellow Pages , Yell Limited, also provides business telephone numbers and addresses through its Yell website. In the US, the same company publishes the Yellow Book™ , a popular type of Yellow Pages, and operates an Internet service by the same name. A well-known advertisement for the Yellow Pages uses the phrase ‘Let your fingers do the walking’:

If you need a local builder, try looking in the Yellow Pages.

Oxford guide to British and American culture English vocabulary.      Руководство по британской и американской культуре, Оксфордский английский словарь.