Meaning of HEAVEN in English

[noun] [U] - in some religions, the place, sometimes imagined to be in the sky, where God or the gods live and/or where good people are believed to go after they die, so that they can enjoy perfect happinessIn the painting, God and the angels are sitting on clouds in heaven.The children were discussing whether or not you go to heaven when you die.(informal) If you say that something is heaven, or that you are in heaven, you mean that it gives you great pleasure.It's heaven to get away from work for a week.This ice cream is heaven - did you make it yourself?Lying in the sunshine listening to the birds singing - I was in heaven.If someone or something is heaven-sent, they arrive or happen, usually unexpectedly, at the time when they are most useful.The medical supplies that arrived in January were heaven-sent.

Cambridge English vocab.      Кембриджский английский словарь.