I. verb
Synonyms: rest 1, lie down, recline, repose, stretch (out)
Synonyms: consist 1, dwell, exist, inhere, reside
II. verb
to be untruthful directly or indirectly
lying under oath is a crime
Synonyms: equivocate, falsify, fib, palter, prevaricate
Related Word: beguile, deceive, delude, misguide, misinform, misinstruct, mislead; distort, exaggerate, misstate
III. noun
a statement or declaration that is not true
was sued for printing lies about the candidate
Synonyms: ||bouncer, canard, cock-and-bull story, falsehood, falsity, fib, inveracity, misrepresentation, misstatement, prevarication, ||rapper, story, tale, taradiddle, untruism, untruth
Related Word: deceitfulness, dishonesty, distortion, fraudulence, inaccuracy, mendacity; fable, flam, myth; falsification, forgery, libel, perjury; fish story, song and dance
Idioms: *crock of shit
Contrasted words: veracity, verisimilitude, verity
Antonyms: truth