I. noun
a period of intensified silence
the quiet before the storm
Synonyms: calm, hush, lull
Related Word: cessation, stop, termination
Contrasted words: din, hubbub, racket, uproar
Synonyms: silence 1, noiselessness, quietness, quietude, soundlessness, still, stillness
II. adjective
Synonyms: calm 1, halcyon, hushed, placid, still, stilly, untroubled
Contrasted words: harsh, rough; disquieted, disturbed, perturbed, upset
Antonyms: unquiet
Synonyms: inactive , asleep, idle, inert, passive, sleepy
Synonyms: still 3, hush, hushful, noiseless, silent, soundless, stilly, whist
Contrasted words: blatant, boisterous, clamorous, strident, vociferous
not showy or obtrusive
always dressed in quiet good taste
Synonyms: inobtrusive, restrained, subdued, tasteful, tasty, unobtrusive
Related Word: homely, plain, simple, unpretentious
Contrasted words: blatant, brazen, flashy, garish, glaring, meretricious, tawdry, tinsel; elaborate
Antonyms: gaudy, loud
III. verb
Synonyms: silence , choke (off), hush, ||quieten, shush, shut up, still
Related Word: abate, decrease, lessen
Contrasted words: excite, provoke, quicken, stimulate; awaken, rally, stir
Synonyms: calm , allay, becalm, compose, lull, ||quieten, settle, soothe, still, tranquilize
Contrasted words: agitate; unhinge, untune
Antonyms: disquiet; excite