Meaning of SLAM in English

I. slam noun


Synonyms: blow 1, bang, bash, bastinado, crack, ||ding, pound, smack, smash, whack


Synonyms: bang 2, blast, boom, burst, clap, crack, crash, smash, wham


Synonyms: animadversion , aspersion, obloquy, reflection, slur, stricture

Related Word: fling, swipe; crack, potshot; rap, slap; dig, jab

II. slam verb


to strike with extreme force or violence

slammed the ball out of the park

the car slammed into the fence

Synonyms: belt, blast, clobber, slug, smash, wallop; compare strike 2

Related Word: bang, bat, hit, knock, slap, swat, thwack; cudgel, hammer, mace; batter, beat, pound


Synonyms: lambaste 3, castigate, drub, flay, lash (into), scathe, scourge, slap, slash, ||slate

III. ||slam adverb

Synonyms: well 3, à fond, altogether, clear, completely, entirely, fully, quite, right, ||slap

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