slam 1
/slam/ , v. , slammed, slamming , n.
v.t. , v.i.
1. to shut with force and noise: to slam the door.
2. to dash, strike, knock, thrust, throw, slap down, etc., with violent and noisy impact: He slammed his books upon the table.
3. Informal. to criticize harshly; attack verbally: He slammed my taste mercilessly.
4. a violent and noisy closing, dashing, or impact.
5. the noise so made.
6. Usually, the slam . Slang. slammer (def. 2).
7. Informal. a harsh criticism; verbal attack: I am sick of your slams.
8. Informal. a competitive, usually boisterous poetry reading.
[ 1650-60; perh slamra to slam ]
slam 2
/slam/ , n. Cards.
1. the winning or bidding of all the tricks or all the tricks but one in a deal. Cf. grand slam (def. 1), little slam .
2. an old type of card game associated with ruff.
[ 1615-25; perh. special use of SLAM 1 ]