I. verb
Synonyms: burden , charge, cumber, encumber, lade, load, saddle, task, weigh, weight
Related Word: overtax
Idioms: press hard upon, tax the strength of, weigh heavy on ( or upon)
Synonyms: accuse , arraign, charge, criminate, impeach, incriminate, inculpate, indict
II. noun
a charge usually of money imposed by authority upon persons or property for public purposes
federal, state, and local taxes bear heavily on the thrifty
Synonyms: assessment, ||cess, duty, impost, levy, tariff
Related Word: tithe, tribute; boodle, boondoggle, giveaway, pork barrel
Synonyms: load 3, burden, charge, deadweight, duty, millstone, onus, task, weight
Related Word: difficulty, strain; demand, imposition