Meaning of ALIVE in English

adj. Function: adjective


Synonyms: LIVING 1, animate, animated, vital, zoetic

Contrasted Words: inactive, inert

Antonyms: dead, defunct


Synonyms: EXTANT 1, around, existent, existing, living


Synonyms: ACTIVE 1, dynamic, functioning, live, operative, running, working

Related Words: fresh, green, verdant

Contrasted Words: dormant, inactive, quiescent

Antonyms: dead, extinct


Synonyms: AWARE , apprehensive, au courant, awake, cognizant, conscious, knowing, sensible, sentient, witting

Related Words: vigilant, watchful, wide-awake; intelligent, quick, quick-witted

Contrasted Words: heedless, inattentive, oblivious, unmindful; careless, neglectful, negligent

Antonyms: blind (to)

5 full of vigorous life, animation, or activity FF1C; the streets were alive with shoppers FF1E;

Synonyms: abounding, overflowing, replete, rife, swarming, teeming, thronged

Related Words: crowded, populous, thick; filled, flush, full

Contrasted Words: barren, empty, vacant, void; unoccupied, unpopulated, untenanted

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.