n. Function: adjective
1 generally shared in or participated in by members of a community FF1C; our common civic responsibilities FF1E;
Synonyms: communal, conjoint, conjunct, intermutual, joint, mutual, public, shared
Related Words: general, generic, universal; like, reciprocal, similar; corporate
Contrasted Words: personal, private, restricted
Antonyms: individual
Synonyms: GENERAL 2, generic, universal
Related Words: popular, public
Synonyms: IMPURE 3, defiled, desecrated, polluted, profaned, unclean
4 taking place often FF1C; a common occurrence FF1E;
Synonyms: customary, everyday, familiar, frequent
Related Words: repetitious, routine, usual
Contrasted Words: infrequent, occasional, unfrequent; casual, chance, incidental
Antonyms: rare, uncommon
Synonyms: GENERAL , commonplace, matter-of-course, natural, normal, prevalent, regular, typic, typical, usual
6 conforming to a type without noteworthy excellences or faults FF1C; just a common everyday sort trying to get by in life FF1E;
Synonyms: commonplace, ordinary, prosaic, uneventful, unexceptional, unnoteworthy
Related Words: down-to-earth, matter-of-fact, prosy, unexciting; dull, flat, trite, stale, uninteresting
Contrasted Words: exceptional, noteworthy, remarkable; excellent, marvelous, prodigious, wonderful; aberrant, divergent, eccentric
Antonyms: extraordinary
Synonyms: DECENT 4, adequate, all right, good, satisfactory, sufficient, tolerable, unexceptionable, unexceptional, unimpeachable
Synonyms: CHEAP 2, mean, ||ornery, paltry, poor, rubbishy, shoddy, sleazy, tatty, trashy
Synonyms: INFERIOR 2, déclassé, hack, low-grade, mean, poor, second-class, second-drawer, second-rate
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Synonyms: EASYGOING 3, breezy, casual, informal, low-pressure, relaxed, ||sonsy, unconstrained, unfussy, unreserved