Meaning of FULL in English

n. Function: adjective

1 containing as much as is possible FF1C; the hamper is full FF1E;

Synonyms: awash, big, block and block, brimful, brimming, bung-full, chockablock, chock-full, cram-full, crammed, crowded, jam-full, jammed, jam-packed, loaded, packed, ||packed out, replete, stuffed, ||trig

Related Words: abounding, teeming

Idioms: full to bursting ( or overflowing), ready to burst

Contrasted Words: blank, vacant, void; bare, barren

Antonyms: empty


Synonyms: CIRCUMSTANTIAL , blow-by-blow, clocklike, detailed, itemized, minute, particular, particularized, thorough

Antonyms: incomplete


Synonyms: WHOLE 2, choate, complete, entire, integral, perfect

Contrasted Words: denuded, dismantled, divested, stripped


Synonyms: SATIATED , glutted, gorged, jaded, sated, satiate, surfeited

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.