Meaning of GAIN in English


Function: verb

1 to arrive at a goal, point, or end FF1C; gained success in the theater FF1E;

Synonyms: accomplish, achieve, attain, rack up, reach, realize, score, win

Related Words: complete, consummate, fulfill, perfect, produce; succeed

Contrasted Words: falter, flop, flounder, flunk, lose


Synonyms: IMPROVE 3, ameliorate, convalesce, look up, mend, perk (up), recuperate

Related Words: invigorate, renew, strengthen; cure, heal, remedy


Synonyms: EARN 1, acquire, bring in, ||drag down, draw down, get, knock down, make, win


Synonyms: GET 1, acquire, annex, have, land, obtain, pick up, procure, secure, win

Antonyms: lose


Synonyms: CLEAR 6, clean up, make, net

Antonyms: lose

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.