n. Function: verb
1 to bring or come together into some manner of union FF1C; the couple were joined in marriage soon thereafter FF1E;
Synonyms: associate, bracket, coadunate, coagment, coalesce, combine, compound, concrete, conjoin, conjugate, connect, couple, link, marry, one, relate, unite, wed, yoke
Related Words: agree, concur, cooperate; articulate, concatenate, integrate; affix, attach, fasten; knit, weave; bind, tie, tie up
Contrasted Words: separate, sever, sunder; detach, disengage; disembarrass, disentangle, untangle
Antonyms: disjoin, part
Synonyms: ADJOIN , abut, border, butt (on or against), communicate, line, march, neighbor, touch, verge