v. & n.
v. 1 tr. (often foll. by to, together) put together; fasten, unite (one thing or person to another or several together). 2 tr. connect (points) by a line etc. 3 tr. become a member of (an association, society, organization, etc.). 4 tr. take one's place with or in (a company, group, procession, etc.). 5 tr. a come into the company of (a person). b (foll. by in) take part with (others) in an activity etc. (joined me in condemnation of the outrage). c (foll. by for) share the company of for a specified occasion (may I join you for lunch?). 6 intr. (often foll. by with, to) come together; be united. 7 intr. (often foll. by in) take part with others in an activity etc. 8 tr. be or become connected or continuous with (the Inn joins the Danube at Passau).
n. a point, line, or surface at which two or more things are joined. join battle begin fighting. join forces combine efforts. join hands 1 a clasp each other's hands. b clasp one's hands together. 2 combine in an action or enterprise. join up 1 enlist for military service. 2 (often foll. by with) unite, connect. joinable adj.
[ ME f. OF joindre (stem joign-) f. L jungere junct- join: cf. YOKE ]