Meaning of KEEP in English

n. Function: verb


Synonyms: OBEY , comply, conform, follow, mind, observe

Antonyms: neglect

2 to notice or honor a day, occasion, or deed FF1C; keep the Sabbath by refraining from work FF1E;

Synonyms: celebrate, commemorate, observe, solemnize

Related Words: regard, respect; bless, consecrate, sanctify; honor, laud, praise

Idioms: keep the faith

Contrasted Words: disregard, forget, ignore, neglect, omit, overlook, slight; contravene, infringe, transgress, violate

Antonyms: break


Synonyms: STOCK , carry


Synonyms: RESTRAIN 1, bit, bridle, check, constrain, curb, hold back, hold down, hold in, inhibit

Antonyms: release

5 to hold in one's possession or under one's control FF1C; kept all the money for himself FF1E;

Synonyms: detain, hold, hold back, keep back, keep out, reserve, retain, withhold

Related Words: conserve, preserve, save; enjoy, have, own, possess; conduct, control, direct, manage

Contrasted Words: cast, discard, junk; refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn; abandon, resign, surrender, yield

Antonyms: relinquish


Synonyms: REFRAIN 1, abstain, forbear, withhold


Synonyms: CONDUCT 3, carry on, direct, manage, operate, ordain, run

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.