Meaning of KNOW in English

n. Function: verb

1 to possess an intellectual hold of FF1C; knows several languages FF1E;

Synonyms: appreciate, apprehend, cognize, comprehend, fathom, grasp, have, understand

Related Words: apperceive; differentiate, discern, discriminate, distinguish, realize

Idioms: have at one's fingertips, see through


Synonyms: EXPERIENCE 1, have, see, suffer, sustain, undergo


Synonyms: FEEL 2, experience, savor, taste

4 to recognize the differences between FF1C; know right from wrong FF1E;

Synonyms: difference, differentiate, discern, discrepate, discriminate, distinguish, extricate, separate, sever, severalize

Contrasted Words: confound, mingle, mix

Antonyms: confuse, mix up


Synonyms: RECOGNIZE 1

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.