Meaning of KNOW in English

■ verb ( past knew ; past participle ~n )

1》 be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.

↘have ~ledge or information concerning.

↘be absolutely sure of something.

2》 be familiar or friendly with.

↘have a good command of (a subject or language).

↘have personal experience of.

↘(usu. be ~n as ) regard as having a specified characteristic or title.

3》 archaic have sex with.


be in the ~ informal be aware of something ~n only to a few people.

God (or goodness or heaven ) ~s I have no idea.

I ~ ( what ) I have a new idea or suggestion.

~ something backwards see backwards .

~ better than be wise enough to avoid doing something.

~ someone by sight recognize someone without ~ing their name or being well acquainted with them.

~ no bounds have no limits.

~ one's own mind be decisive and certain.

~ the ropes have experience of the appropriate procedures.

~ what's what informal be experienced and competent in a particular area.

not want to ~ informal refuse to react or take notice.

what do you ~ ( about that ) ? N. Amer. informal used as an expression of surprise.

you ~ informal implying something generally ~n or ~n by the listener.

↘used as a gap-filler in conversation.


~able adjective

~er noun


OE cnāwan (earlier gecnāwan ) 'recognize, identify', of Gmc origin; related to can 1 and ken .

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.