Meaning of REMOVE in English

n. Function: verb


Synonyms: MOVE 4, dislocate, disturb, shift, ship, transfer

2 to take something from a place or position FF1C; removed the book from the shelf FF1E;

Synonyms: take away, take off, take out, withdraw

Related Words: move, shift, transfer; extract

3 to take (as a hat) from one's person FF1C; removed her coat when she entered the house FF1E;

Synonyms: doff, douse, put off, take off

Related Words: cast off, throw off

Idioms: off with

Contrasted Words: don, put on, replace

4 to get rid of FF1C; remove the causes of poverty FF1E;

Synonyms: clear away, eliminate, take out

Related Words: dispose (of), eradicate, exterminate, extirpate; blot out, efface, erase, expunge, obliterate

Idioms: do away with


Synonyms: PURGE 3, eliminate, liquidate

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.