Synonyms and related words :
abandon, abate, abrade, abscond, abstract, amount, annihilate, assassinate, avulse, bare, bate, beat a retreat, blow, blow out, boot, boot out, bounce, bow out, break, bump, bump off, bust, caliber, can, carry away, carry off, cart away, cashier, cast, cast aside, cast away, cast off, cast out, chuck, chuck out, clean out, cleanse, cleanse away, clear, clear away, clear off, clear out, clear the decks, compass, curtail, cut, cut out, deconsecrate, decrease, deduct, deep-six, defecate, defenestrate, defrock, degrade, degree, delete, deliver, delocalize, demote, denudate, denude, deplete, deplume, deport, depose, depreciate, deprive, deracinate, derogate, detach, dethrone, detract, detrude, dig out, dig up, diminish, disappear, disbar, discard, discharge, disconnect, discrown, disemploy, disengage, disentangle, disenthrone, dislocate, dislodge, dismiss, disparage, dispart, displace, displume, dispose of, distance, disturb, ditch, divest, do away with, do in, doff, douse, drain, draw, draw out, dredge, dredge up, drop, drum out, dump, eat away, efface, eighty-six, eject, elide, eliminate, empty, empty out, eradicate, erase, erode, evacuate, evolve, evulse, excavate, excise, exclude, excommunicate, execute, exhaust, exile, expatriate, expel, expose, expunge, exsect, extent, exterminate, extirpate, extract, extricate, extrude, file away, fire, fleece, free, free from, furlough, get out, get quit of, get rid of, get shut of, give away, give release, give respite, give the ax, give the gate, give the hook, gouge out, grade, grub up, heave out, height, impair, intermit, interspace, interval, jettison, jilt, junk, keep apart, kick, kick downstairs, kick out, kick upstairs, kill, lay aside, lay bare, lay off, lay open, leach, leap, lessen, let go, let out, level, liberate, liquidate, loose, loosen, make a space, make redundant, manhandle, mark, massacre, measure, mine, move, murder, notch, nuance, obliterate, obtrude, oust, outlaw, overthrow, part, part with, pas, peg, pension, pension off, period, pick out, pitch, plane, plateau, pluck, pluck out, pluck up, point, proportion, pull, pull out, pull up, purge, purge away, purify, put aside, put off, put out, quarry, quit, rake out, range, ratio, reach, read out of, reduce, refine, reject, release, relocate, remove from office, replace, reprieve, retire, retreat, retrench, rip out, root out, root up, round, rub away, rub off, rub out, rung, sack, scale, scope, scour out, send, separate, separate forcibly, separation, set apart, set aside, set at intervals, shade, shadow, shear, shed, shift, ship, shorten, shunt, side, slaughter, slay, slip out of, slough, space, space out, stair, standard, step, step out of, stint, strike off, strike out, strip, strip bare, strip of office, strip of rank, subduct, subtract, superannuate, surplus, suspend, sweep away, sweep out, take away, take from, take off, take out, tear out, thin, thin out, throw away, throw off, throw out, throw over, throw overboard, thrust out, toss out, toss overboard, transfer, tread, turn off, turn out, unbar, unbind, unbolt, unbuckle, unbutton, unchain, unchurch, unclasp, uncloak, unclog, uncover, undo, unearth, unfasten, unfetter, unfoul, unfrock, unglue, unlace, unlatch, unleash, unlock, unloose, unloosen, unravel, unsaddle, unseat, unsheathe, unstick, unstrap, unthrone, untie, unveil, unwrap, uproot, vacate, vanish, vent, void, waste, wear away, weed, weed out, weigh anchor, wipe off, wipe out, withdraw, wrest out