n. Function: verb
|| 1
Synonyms: APPORTION 2, divide, ||divvy, parcel, portion, prorate, quota, ration, share
Synonyms: CHANGE 5, replace
Synonyms: MOVE 4, dislocate, disturb, remove, ship, transfer
Related Words: alter, change, vary; budge, stir; shuffle; relocate
Idioms: shift place
Synonyms: CONSUME 5, polish off, punish, put away, put down, swill
5 to carry on one's affairs independently and self-sufficiently often under difficult circumstances FF1C; after the divorce, she was forced to shift for herself FF1E;
Synonyms: do, fare, get along, get by, get on, ||make out, manage, muddle through, stagger (on or along)
Related Words: contrive, survive; freelance; progress, succeed
Idioms: fend for oneself, make do, make it alone, make shift, paddle one's own canoe, stand on one's own two feet