Meaning of SHIFT in English

n. Function: verb

|| 1

Synonyms: APPORTION 2, divide, ||divvy, parcel, portion, prorate, quota, ration, share


Synonyms: CHANGE 5, replace


Synonyms: MOVE 4, dislocate, disturb, remove, ship, transfer

Related Words: alter, change, vary; budge, stir; shuffle; relocate

Idioms: shift place


Synonyms: CONSUME 5, polish off, punish, put away, put down, swill

5 to carry on one's affairs independently and self-sufficiently often under difficult circumstances FF1C; after the divorce, she was forced to shift for herself FF1E;

Synonyms: do, fare, get along, get by, get on, ||make out, manage, muddle through, stagger (on or along)

Related Words: contrive, survive; freelance; progress, succeed

Idioms: fend for oneself, make do, make it alone, make shift, paddle one's own canoe, stand on one's own two feet

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.