n. Function: verb
1 to cause to shift from quiescence or torpor into activity FF1C; a teacher who stirred the minds of his most sluggish students FF1E;
Synonyms: arouse, awaken, bestir, challenge, kindle, rally, rouse, wake, waken, whet; compare PROVOKE 4
Related Words: excite, galvanize, inspire, provoke, quicken, stimulate; agitate, foment, incite, instigate; activate, energize, vitalize; actuate, drive, impel, move; ||roust, rout
Idioms: make ( or have) an impact on, set astir, set on fire
Synonyms: WAKE 1, awake, awaken, rouse, waken
Synonyms: SEETHE 4, boil, bubble, churn, ferment, ||moil, simmer, smolder