adj. Function: adjective
Synonyms: FAST 4, firm, fixed, secure, set, tenacious
Related Words: clasped; solid, steadfast
Contrasted Words: lax, limp; shaky
Antonyms: loose
Synonyms: CLOSE 4, compact, crowded, dense, thick
Antonyms: loose
3 fitting, drawn, or stretched so that there is no slackness or looseness FF1C; a tight drumhead FF1E;
Synonyms: close, taut, tense
Related Words: skintight; constricted, contracted, drawn, tightened; inflexible, rigid, stiff
Contrasted Words: loosened, slack, unconstricted
Antonyms: loose
4 difficult to cope with, get through, or circumvent FF1C; a very tight diplomatic situation FF1E;
Synonyms: arduous, rough, tricksy, trying
Related Words: difficult; exacting; tense; critical; punishing; distressing, disturbing, upsetting
Synonyms: STINGY , cheeseparing, close, closefisted, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penny-pinching, penurious, tightfisted
Synonyms: INTOXICATED 1, ||boozed, ||boozy, drunk, drunken, inebriate, ||loaded, ||oiled, ||plastered, ||stewed
Idioms: tight as a tick