Meaning of WASTE in English


Function: verb


Synonyms: RAVAGE , depredate, desecrate, desolate, despoil, devastate, devour, pillage, sack, spoliate

Idioms: reduce to a shambles

Antonyms: conserve

2 to spend or expend freely and usually foolishly or futilely FF1C; wasted his inheritance on women and gambling FF1E; FF1C; waste one's time on trifles FF1E;

Synonyms: blow, blunder (away), cast away, consume, dissipate, dribble (away), drivel, fool (away), fritter, frivol away, muddle (away), ||piss away, potter (away), prodigalize, riot (away), squander, throw away, trifle (away)

Related Words: disburse, expend, spend; dispense, distribute; deplete, drain, exhaust, impoverish; dispel, disperse, scatter; misspend

Idioms: let slip through one's fingers, pour down the drain, throw good money after bad

Antonyms: save; conserve

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.