Function: adverb
1 in a good, proper, or acceptable manner FF1C; the children behaved very well at the party FF1E;
Synonyms: aright, befittingly, correctly, decently, decorously, fitly, fittingly, justly, nicely, properly, rightly
Related Words: bearably, passably, tolerably, unobjectionably; considerately, pleasantly, thoughtfully, white; appropriately
Contrasted Words: badly, improperly, objectionably, obnoxiously, outrageously
Antonyms: ill
2 in a pleasant, cooperative, or thoughtful manner FF1C; he speaks well of your new proposal FF1E;
Synonyms: considerately, generously, heedfully, kindly, thoughtfully
Related Words: concernedly, interestedly; approvingly
Contrasted Words: contemptuously, disdainfully, scornfully
3 to a full extent or degree FF1C; you are well aware of the problems we face FF1E;
Synonyms: à fond, altogether, clear, ||cleverly, completely, entirely, fully, perfectly, ||plumb, quite, right, roundly, ||slam, ||slap, thoroughly, utterly, wholly
Related Words: certainly, obviously, surely, undoubtedly, unquestionably; sublimely
Idioms: all the way
Contrasted Words: barely, hardly, scarcely
4 in an adequate or appropriate manner FF1C; any large box will answer our need very well FF1E;
Synonyms: acceptably, adequately, amply, appropriately, becomingly, fittingly, properly, right, satisfactorily, suitably
5 in a desirable or pleasing manner FF1C; everything went well on the trip FF1E;
Synonyms: favorably, fortunately, happily, prosperously, satisfyingly, successfully, swimmingly
Related Words: comfortably, easily, smoothly
Contrasted Words: amiss, wrong
Antonyms: badly
Synonyms: EASILY 1, effortlessly, facilely, freely, lightly, readily, smoothly
7 in all likelihood FF1C; the fighting may well continue for years FF1E;
Synonyms: doubtlessly, easily, indeed, really, truly, undoubtedly
Related Words: conceivably, perhaps, possibly; likely, probably
8 to a considerable extent or degree FF1C; they landed well beyond the wharf FF1E;
Synonyms: considerably, far, quite, rather, significantly, somewhat
Idioms: by a long way, by a wide margin