transcription, транскрипция: [ bænd ]
( bands, banding, banded)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
A band is a small group of musicians who play popular music such as jazz, rock, or pop.
He was a drummer in a rock band...
Local bands provide music for dancing.
see also one-man band
A band is a group of musicians who play brass and percussion instruments.
Bands played German marches.
see also brass band
A band of people is a group of people who have joined together because they share an interest or belief.
Bands of government soldiers, rebels and just plain criminals have been roaming some neighborhoods.
...a small but growing band of Japanese companies taking their first steps into American publishing.
N-COUNT-COLL : with supp
A band is a flat, narrow strip of cloth which you wear round your head or wrists, or which forms part of a piece of clothing.
Almost all hospitals use a wrist-band of some kind with your name and details on it.
see also armband , hatband , waistband
A band is a strip of something such as colour, light, land, or cloth which contrasts with the areas on either side of it.
...bands of natural vegetation between strips of crops...
A band of light glowed in the space between floor and door.
N-COUNT : with supp
A band is a strip or loop of metal or other strong material which strengthens something, or which holds several things together.
Surgeons placed a metal band around the knee cap to help it knit back together.
...a strong band of flat muscle tissue.
see also elastic band , rubber band
A band is a range of numbers or values within a system of measurement.
...a new tax band of 20p in the pound on the first £2,000 of taxable income.
N-COUNT : usu with supp
see also waveband
see also wedding band