Synonyms and related words :
Ace bandage, Band-Aid, Bund, German band, Mystik tape, Philharmonic, Rochdale cooperative, Scotch tape, accouple, accumulate, act in concert, act together, adhesive tape, affiliate, age group, agglutinate, alliance, ally, amalgamate, amass, amateur band, anklet, application, armlet, articulate, assemblage, assemble, assembly, associate, association, axis, band together, bandage, bandaging, bandeau, bar, battalion, batten, be in league, bed, bedding, begird, belt, belt in, bend, bespangle, bespeckle, bespot, bevy, big band, bind, bind up, binder, bloc, blotch, body, bond, border, brace, bracelet, bracket, brass, brass band, brass choir, brass quintet, brass section, brasses, bridge, bridge over, brigade, bunch, bundle, cabal, callithumpian band, cast, cataplasm, cellophane tape, cement, chain, chamber orchestra, channel, check, checker, cinch, cincture, cingulum, circle, citizens band, clap together, clique, cloth tape, club, club together, cluster, coact, coalesce, coalition, cohort, collaborate, collar, collarband, collect, college, collude, combination, combine, combo, common market, company, complement, compress, comprise, concatenate, concert, concert band, concord, concur, confederacy, confederate, confederation, conglobulate, conjoin, conjugate, connect, consociate, consolidate, conspire, consumer cooperative, contingent, cooperate, cooperative, cooperative society, copulate, corps, coterie, cotton, couche, council, couple, course, court plaster, cover, covey, crack, cravat, craze, credit union, crew, cross-hatching, crowd, customs union, dapple, dash, deck, delineation, desks, detachment, detail, diagonal, division, dixieland band, do business with, do up, dot, dotted line, dressing, earring, ecliptic, economic community, edge, elastic bandage, embrace, encincture, encircle, encompass, engird, ensemble, ensphere, epithem, equator, faction, fascia, federate, federation, fillet, finger ring, flake, fleck, fleet, floor, four-tailed bandage, freckle, free trade area, frequency band, friction tape, fuse, gallery, gamelan orchestra, gang, gather, gauze, get heads together, get together, gird, girdle, girt, girth, glue, go partners, great circle, group, grouping, groupment, hachure, hairline, hang together, harlequin, harmonize, hatching, hold together, hook up, hoop, horde, in-group, include, iris, jazz band, join, join in, join together, jug band, junta, keep, keep together, knot, lace, lash, lath, lay together, layer, league, league together, leash, ledge, level, ligula, ligule, line, lineation, link, lint, list, loop, lump together, machine, maculate, make common cause, marble, marbleize, marry, marshal, masking tape, mass, measures, merge, military band, mob, mobilize, motley, mottle, movement, neckband, necklace, nose ring, orchestra, out-group, outfit, overlayer, overstory, pack, pair, partner, partnership, party, peer group, pepper, phalanx, philharmonic, piece together, plank, plaster, plaster cast, plastic tape, platoon, play ball, pledget, police band, political machine, polychrome, polychromize, posse, poultice, pull together, put heads together, put together, quartet, quintet, quoit, radio channel, ragtime band, rainbow, reciprocate, regiment, ribband, ribbon, ring, rock-and-roll group, roll into one, roller, roller bandage, rope, rubber bandage, salon, score, seam, set, sextet, shelf, shortwave band, shred, skiffle band, slash, slat, sling, slip, society, solder, span, spangle, speck, speckle, spill, splice, spline, splint, splotch, sponge, spot, sprinkle, squad, stable, stage, stand together, standard band, steel band, step, stick together, stigmatize, stipple, story, strake, strap, stratum, streak, streaking, street band, stria, striate, striation, striature, striga, string, string band, string choir, string orchestra, string quartet, strings, striola, strip, stripe, striping, stroke, strop, stud, stupe, sublineation, substratum, superstratum, swaddle, swathe, swing band, symphony, symphony orchestra, taenia, take in, tampon, tape, tape measure, tapeline, tattoo, team, team up, tent, tessellate, thickness, throw in together, ticker tape, tie, tie in, tie up, tier, topsoil, tourniquet, triangular bandage, tribe, trio, troop, troupe, truss, twine around, underlayer, underline, underlining, underscore, underscoring, understory, understratum, unify, union, unionize, unite, unite efforts, variegate, vein, virgule, waits, weld, wing, wire, woodwind, woodwind choir, woodwind quartet, woodwinds, work together, wrap, wrap up, wreathe, wreathe around, wristband, wristlet, yoke, zodiac, zone