Meaning of TAX in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ tæks ]

( taxes, taxing, taxed)

Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.


Tax is an amount of money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services.

They are calling for large spending cuts and tax increases.

...a pledge not to raise taxes on people below a certain income...



When a person or company is taxed , they have to pay a part of their income or profits to the government. When goods are taxed , a percentage of their price has to be paid to the government.

Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes...

The Bonn government taxes profits of corporations at a rate that is among the highest in Europe.

VERB : be V-ed , V n , also V


If something taxes your strength, your patience, or your resources, it uses nearly all of them, so that you have great difficulty in carrying out what you are trying to do.

Overcrowding has taxed the city’s ability to deal with waste...

VERB : V n


see also taxing , council tax , income tax , poll tax , value added tax

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