The verb is pronounced /ʌpgreɪd/. The noun is pronounced /ʌpgreɪd/.
( upgraded)
If equipment or services are upgraded , they are improved or made more efficient.
Helicopters have been upgraded and modernized...
...upgraded catering facilities.
VERB : usu passive , be V-ed , V-ed , also V
Upgrade is also a noun. which needs expensive upgrades.
...upgrades in the level of security.
N-COUNT : usu pl
If someone is upgraded , their job or status is changed so that they become more important or receive more money.
He was upgraded to security guard.
= promote
≠ downgrade
VERB : usu passive , be V-ed to n
If you upgrade or are upgraded , you change something such as your air ticket or your hotel room to one that is more expensive.
You can upgrade from self-catering accommodation to a hotel.
VERB : V , also V n