Synonyms and related words :
abruptness, acclinate, acclivitous, acclivity, acculturate, advance, aggrandize, ameliorate, amend, anabasis, anabatic, ascendant, ascending, ascension, ascensional, ascensive, ascent, aslant, aslantwise, aslope, at a slant, atilt, better, boost, breakthrough, bring forward, civilize, clamber, climb, climbing, downgrade, downhill, edify, educate, elevate, elevation, emend, enhance, enlighten, ennoble, enrich, escalade, exalt, fatten, favor, forward, foster, fountain, go straight, graduate, gush, gyring up, hike, improve, improve upon, in the ascendant, increase, jet, jump, kick upstairs, knight, lard, leap, leaping, levitation, lift, make an improvement, meliorate, mend, mount, mounting, nurture, off plumb, pass, precipitousness, prefer, promote, raise, rakingly, rampant, rearing, refine upon, reform, rise, rising, rising ground, rocketing up, saltation, saltatory, scandent, scansorial, shooting up, skyrocketing, slantingly, slantways, slantwise, slaunchways, slopeways, slopingly, soaring, socialize, spiraling, spout, spring, springing, spurt, steepness, straighten out, surge, takeoff, taking off, tipsily, transfigure, transform, up, uparching, upclimb, upcoming, updraft, upgang, upgo, upgoing, upgrowth, uphill, uphillward, upleap, uplift, upping, uprisal, uprise, uprising, uprush, upshoot, upslope, upsloping, upsurge, upsurgence, upsweep, upswing, upward, upwith, vault, verticalness, wax, zooming