A ~ is a stiff container that is used for carrying or storing objects. Baskets are made from thin strips of materials such as straw, plastic, or wire woven together.
...big wicker picnic ~s filled with sandwiches.
...a laundry ~.
A ~ of things is a number of things contained in a ~.
...a small ~ of fruit and snacks.
N-COUNT: N of n
In economics, a ~ of currencies or goods is the average or total value of a number of different currencies or goods. (BUSINESS)
The pound’s value against a ~ of currencies hit a new low of 76.9.
N-COUNT: usu sing, N of n
In ~ball, the ~ is a net hanging from a ring through which players try to throw the ball in order to score points.
to put all your eggs in one ~: see egg
see also bread ~ , hanging ~ , wastepaper ~