The ~ is a state of near darkness.
...the ~ of a foggy November morning...
I was peering about me in the ~.
N-SING: the N, oft in/into N
Gloom is a feeling of sadness and lack of hope.
...the deepening ~ over the economy.
N-UNCOUNT: also a N
The ~ is a state of near darkness.
...the ~ of a foggy November morning...
I was peering about me in the ~.
N-SING: the N, oft in/into N
Gloom is a feeling of sadness and lack of hope.
...the deepening ~ over the economy.
N-UNCOUNT: also a N
Collins COBUILD. Толковый словарь английского языка для изучающих язык Коллинз COBUILD (международная база данных языков Бирмингемского университета) . 2012