(~s, ~ing, ~ed)
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
A ~ is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.
Compensation is available for people who have developed asthma as a direct ~ of their work...
N-COUNT: oft as a N
If something ~s in a particular situation or event, it causes that situation or event to happen.
Fifty per cent of road accidents ~ in head injuries...
VERB: V in n
If something ~s from a particular event or action, it is caused by that event or action.
Many hair problems ~ from what you eat...
Ignore the early warnings and illness could ~.
VERB: V from n, V
A ~ is the situation that exists at the end of a contest.
The final election ~s will be announced on Friday.
A ~ is the number that you get when you do a calculation.
They found their computers producing different ~s from exactly the same calculation.
= answer
Your ~s are the marks or grades that you get for examinations you have taken. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use scores )
Kate’s exam ~s were excellent.
N-COUNT: usu pl