n. & v.
n. 1 a particular mode of pronunciation, esp. one associated with a particular region or group (Liverpool accent; German accent; upper-class accent). 2 prominence given to a syllable by stress or pitch. 3 a mark on a letter or word to indicate pitch, stress, or the quality of a vowel. 4 a distinctive feature or emphasis (an accent on comfort). 5 Mus. emphasis on a particular note or chord.
v.tr. 1 pronounce with an accent; emphasize (a word or syllable). 2 write or print accents on (words etc.). 3 accentuate. 4 Mus. play (a note etc.) with an accent. accentual adj.
[ L accentus (as AC-, cantus song) repr. Gk prosoidia (PROSODY), or through F accent, accenter ]