n. & v.
n. 1 a the place where a person lives or an organization is situated. b particulars of this, esp. for postal purposes. c Computing the location of an item of stored information. 2 a discourse delivered to an audience. 3 skill, dexterity, readiness. 4 (in pl.) a courteous approach, courtship (pay one's addresses to). 5 archaic manner in conversation.
v.tr. 1 write directions for delivery (esp. the name and address of the intended recipient) on (an envelope, packet, etc.). 2 direct in speech or writing (remarks, a protest, etc.). 3 speak or write to, esp. formally (addressed the audience; asked me how to address a duke). 4 direct one's attention to. 5 Golf take aim at or prepare to hit (the ball). address oneself to 1 speak or write to. 2 attend to. addresser n.
[ ME f. OF adresser ult. f. L (as AD-, directus DIRECT): (n.) perh. f. F adresse ]