n. & v.
n. 1 a a device with interlocking parts for fastening. b a buckle or brooch. c a metal fastening on a book-cover. 2 a an embrace; a person's reach. b a grasp or handshake. 3 a bar of silver on a medal-ribbon with the name of the battle etc. at which the wearer was present.
v. 1 tr. fasten with or as with a clasp. 2 tr. a grasp, hold closely. b embrace, encircle. 3 intr. fasten a clasp. clasp hands shake hands with fervour or affection. clasp one's hands interlace one's fingers. clasp-knife a folding knife, usu. with a catch holding the blade when open. clasper n.
[ ME: orig. unkn. ]