adj., adv., & int. (easier, easiest)
adj. 1 not difficult; achieved without great effort. 2 a free from pain, discomfort, anxiety, etc. b comfortably off, affluent (easy circumstances). 3 free from embarrassment, awkwardness, constraint, etc.; relaxed and pleasant (an easy manner). 4 compliant, obliging; easily persuaded (an easy touch). 5 Stock Exch. (of goods, money on loan, etc.) not much in demand.
adv. with ease; in an effortless or relaxed manner.
int. go carefully; move gently. easy as pie see PIE(1). easy chair a large comfortable chair, usu. an armchair. easy come easy go colloq. what is easily got is soon lost or spent. easy does it colloq. go carefully. easy money money got without effort (esp. of dubious legality). easy of access easily entered or approached. easy on the eye (or ear etc.) colloq. pleasant to look at (or listen to etc.). easy-peasy sl. very simple. Easy Street colloq. affluence. easy terms payment by instalments. go easy (foll. by with, on) be sparing or cautious. I'm easy colloq. I have no preference. of easy virtue (of a woman) sexually promiscuous. stand easy! Brit. Mil. permission to a squad standing at ease to relax their attitude further. take it easy 1 proceed gently or carefully. 2 relax; avoid overwork. easiness n.
[ ME f. AF aisé, OF aisié past part. of aisier EASE ]