I. adjective (easier; -est) Etymology: Middle English esy, from Anglo-French eisé, aasié, past participle of eiser, aaisier to ease, from a- ad- (from Latin ad-) + eise ease Date: 13th century 1. causing or involving little difficulty or discomfort , requiring or indicating little effort, thought, or reflection , 2. not severe ; lenient , not steep or abrupt , not difficult to endure or undergo , readily taken advantage of , e. readily available , plentiful in supply at low or declining interest rates , less in demand and usually lower in price , pleasant , sexually promiscuous, 3. marked by peace and comfort , not hurried or strenuous , 4. free from pain, annoyance, or anxiety , marked by social ease , ~going , 5. giving ease, comfort, or relaxation, not burdensome or straitened , fitting comfortably ; allowing freedom of movement , marked by ready facility , felt or attained to readily, naturally, and spontaneously , easiness noun Synonyms: see: ~ see: comfortable II. adverb (easier; -est) Date: 14th century easily 1 , without undue speed or excitement , 3. without worry or care , without a severe penalty , without violent movement , easily 2
Meaning of EASY in English
Merriam Webster. Explanatory English dictionary Merriam Webster. Толковый словарь английского языка Мерриам-Уэбстер. 2012