n. & v.
n. 1 a material thing that can be seen or touched. 2 (foll. by of) a person or thing to which action or feeling is directed (the object of attention; the object of our study). 3 a thing sought or aimed at; a purpose. 4 Gram. a noun or its equivalent governed by an active transitive verb or by a preposition. 5 Philos. a thing external to the thinking mind or subject. 6 derog. a person or thing of esp. a pathetic or ridiculous appearance. 7 Computing a package of information and a description of its manipulation.
v. 1 intr. (often foll. by to, against) express or feel opposition, disapproval, or reluctance; protest (I object to being treated like this; objecting against government policies). 2 tr. (foll. by that + clause) state as an objection (objected that they were kept waiting). 3 tr. (foll. by to, against, or that + clause) adduce (a quality or fact) as contrary or damaging (to a case). no object not forming an important or restricting factor (money no object). object-ball Billiards etc. that at which a player aims the cue-ball. object-glass the lens in a telescope etc. nearest to the object observed. object language 1 a language described by means of another language (see METALANGUAGE). 2 Computing a language into which a program is translated by means of a compiler or assembler. object-lesson a striking practical example of some principle. object of the exercise the main point of an activity. objectless adj. objector n.
[ ME f. med.L objectum thing presented to the mind, past part. of L objicere (as OB-, jacere ject- throw) ]