adj. & v.
adj. (prec. by possessive) 1 a belonging to oneself or itself; not another's (saw it with my own eyes). b individual, peculiar, particular (a charm all of its own). 2 used to emphasize identity rather than possession (cooks his own meals). 3 (absol.) a private property (is it your own?). b kindred (among my own).
v. 1 tr. have as property; possess. 2 a tr. confess; admit as valid, true, etc. (own their faults; owns he did not know). b intr. (foll. by to) confess to (owned to a prejudice). 3 tr. acknowledge paternity, authorship, or possession of. come into one's own 1 receive one's due. 2 achieve recognition. get one's own back (often foll. by on) colloq. get revenge. hold one's own maintain one's position; not be defeated or lose strength. of one's own belonging to oneself alone. on one's own 1 alone. 2 independently, without help. own brand (often attrib.) goods manufactured specially for a retailer and bearing the retailer's name. own goal 1 a goal scored (usu. by mistake) against the scorer's own side. 2 an act or initiative that has the unintended effect of harming one's own interests. own up (often foll. by to) confess frankly. -owned adj. (in comb.).
[ OE agen, agnian: see OWE ]