Meaning of OWN in English


1. to own something

2. when someone owns something

3. the person who owns something

4. the things that someone owns

5. to say you have a right to be the legal owner or something


on your own : ↑ ALONE

see also



1. to own something

▷ own /əʊn/ [transitive verb not in progressive]

if you own something, especially something big like a house, a car, or a company, it is your property and you have the legal right to have it :

▪ We don’t own the apartment, we’re just renting it.

▪ Clark owns about 40 companies in northern Europe.

▪ They stayed in a villa once owned by the writer, Somerset Maugham.

privately owned

owned by an individual person, not by a company or government

▪ In National Parks, although the land is privately owned, there are strict controls on the use of the land.

▷ have also have got especially British /hæv, həv ˈgɒtǁ-ˈgɑːt/ [transitive verb not in progressive]

to own something, especially something that ordinary people are likely to own :

▪ We don’t have a T.V.

▪ How many of your students have a computer?

▪ What kind of car has she got?

▪ I’ve worked hard for everything I’ve got.

▷ possess /pəˈzes/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal

to own something - use this especially in negative sentences to say that someone does not own something that most people own :

▪ Very few families in this area possess a telephone.

▪ He never wore a suit - I don’t think he possessed one.

▪ Because of his gambling, he lost everything he possessed.

▷ control/have control of /kənˈtrəʊl, hæv kənˈtrəʊl ɒv/ [transitive verb/verb phrase]

to own a larger part of a company than other people so that you have power to make decisions about that company :

▪ As well as owning Mirror Group Newspapers, the Maxwell Corporation also controlled several other businesses.

▪ The Johnson family has effective control of the company, owning almost 60% of the shares.

▷ hold /həʊld/ [transitive verb]

to own part of a company because you own a number of the equal parts into which it is divided :

▪ She works for Le Monde, where the staff hold a significant stake in the company.

▪ a situation in which a husband and wife both hold shares in a family company

holding [countable noun]

▪ Mr Davis has a 30% holding in owns 30% of Montague Enterprises.

▷ have a stake in /ˌhæv ə ˈsteɪk ɪn something/ [verb phrase not in progressive]

to own part of a company and therefore be able to have a share in the money it makes :

▪ Labatt beer has a 45% stake in the Blue Jays baseball team.

▪ She has a stake in her husband’s company, which she will have to give up if they divorce.

▷ interest /ˈɪntrɪst, ˈɪntrəst/ [countable noun]

if a person, company, or government has an interest in a business, they own part of that business :

interest in

▪ The bank has interests in several companies, including a 15% share of Morgan’s Brewery.

controlling interest

a large enough part of the company or business to give you the power to make decisions about it

▪ Although the government has made some shares in National Oil Products available, it intends to maintain its controlling interest.

2. when someone owns something

▷ belong to /bɪˈlɒŋ tuːǁ-ˈlɔːŋ-/ [transitive verb not in progressive]

if something belongs to someone, they own it :

▪ This watch belonged to my grandfather.

▪ Who does that Walkman belong to?

▪ A car believed to belong to the bank robbers was found abandoned yesterday.

▷ be the property of /biː ðə ˈprɒpəʳti ɒvǁ-ˈprɑː-/ [verb phrase] formal

to belong to someone - often written on books, clothes etc to show who owns them :

▪ This hymn book is the property of Pitt Street Methodist Church.

▪ If he defaults on the loan, the land will become the property of the bank.

▷ be mine/yours/John’s etc /biː ˈmaɪn/ [verb phrase]

if something is mine/yours/John’s etc, it belongs to me, you, John etc :

▪ ‘Hey, that’s my pen!’ - ‘Sorry! I didn’t know it was yours.’

▪ ‘Whose bike is that?’ ‘It’s Martin’s.’

▪ The money wasn’t Sara’s to lend you in the first place Sara didn’t have the right to lend it .

▷ my/your/his etc /maɪ, jɔːʳ, hɪz/ [determiner]

belonging to me, you, him etc :

▪ Please can you move your car? It’s blocking my driveway.

▪ I’ve got a problem with my dishwasher.

▪ My grandmother lives near your place -- just around the corner in fact.

▷ your own /jɔːr ˈəʊn/ []

belonging to you and not to anyone else :

▪ You can rent skis or you can bring your own.

▪ Joe left the company to set up his own business.

▷ of your own /əv jɔːr ˈəʊn/ [adjective phrase]

a room/car/computer etc of your own

one that belongs to you and no one else, especially when this is something you want to own :

▪ Our neighbours let us use their garage, but we really need one of our own.

▪ The charity provides accommodation for homeless people, and helps them find homes of their own.

▷ personal /ˈpɜːs ə nəlǁˈpɜːr-/ [adjective only before noun]

belonging only to you - used especially in official contexts :

somebody’s personal possessions/property/belongings

▪ The dead man’s personal possessions were sent back to his family.

my/their etc own personal

▪ You can arm and disarm the alarm system using your own personal access code.

3. the person who owns something

▷ owner /ˈəʊnəʳ/ [countable noun]

the person who owns something :

▪ The previous owner painted the outside of the house yellow.

owner of

▪ The owners of the company live abroad.

the proud owner of something

▪ He is the proud owner of two Olympic gold medals.

car/dog/home etc owner

▪ Car owners are facing a 10% rise in the price of gasoline.

▷ landlord/landlady /ˈlændlɔːʳd, ˈlændleɪdi/ [countable noun]

someone who owns a building and is paid money by the people who live in it or use it :

▪ Our landlord has promised to fix the heating by Tuesday.

▪ College accommodation offices provide lists of private landlords and landladies.

▷ proprietor /prəˈpraɪətəʳ/ [countable noun]

someone who owns and runs a business, especially a small business such as a shop or a restaurant :

▪ Eddy Shah, the former national newspaper proprietor

▪ My father had fallen victim to an unscrupulous garage proprietor.

proprietor of

▪ As proprietors of the general store, Mr and Mrs Stacey knew everything that went on in the town.

▷ householder /ˈhaʊsˌhəʊldəʳ/ [countable noun]

someone who owns or lives in a house - used especially in official or legal contexts :

▪ The police are giving advice to householders on how to improve the security of their homes.

▪ Householders and tradesmen both use the refuse dump to dispose of their garbage.

▷ home-owner /ˈhəʊm ˌəʊnəʳ/ [countable noun]

someone who owns their own home :

▪ The latest rise in interest rates is bad news for home-owners.

▪ The latest trend is for home-owners to carry out improvements before selling their properties.

4. the things that someone owns

▷ property /ˈprɒpəʳtiǁˈprɑː-/ [uncountable noun]

things someone owns, especially large expensive things such as houses, land, or cars :

▪ Some of the stolen property was discovered in an empty warehouse.

school/church/army etc property

▪ The boys have been charged with damaging school property.

private property

▪ Many state documents were considered as the officer’s private property.

▷ possessions /pəˈzeʃ ə nz/ [plural noun]

all the things that a person owns, which they keep in their home or carry with them :

▪ They lost all their possessions in the floods.

personal possessions

▪ Prisoners are allowed no personal possessions such as photographs of their families.

somebody’s most treasured/cherished/prized possessions

▪ One of my most treasured possessions is a small book of prayers.

▷ things spoken also stuff spoken informal /θɪŋz, stʌf/ [plural noun]

things such as clothes, records, books, furniture etc that you own :

somebody’s things/stuff

▪ She always leaves her things all over the floor.

▪ I don’t how know I’m going to fit all my stuff into the new apartment.

▷ belongings /bɪˈlɒŋɪŋzǁbɪˈlɔːŋ-/ [plural noun]

things you own such as clothes, equipment, bags etc, especially things you take with you when you are travelling somewhere :

▪ They packed all their belongings into the car and left the city that night.

personal belongings

▪ It doesn’t cost much to insure your personal belongings.

▷ assets /ˈæsets/ [plural noun]

property that a person or a company owns and which they would be able to sell if they needed money - used especially in legal or business contexts :

▪ The company has mining assets worth 8 billion Rand.

freeze somebody’s assets

not allow them to sell them

▪ The government announced that it had frozen the assets of three senior bank officials.

▷ worldly goods /ˌwɜːʳldli ˈgʊdz/ [plural noun]

all the things that you own - use this especially as a joke when you do not own much :

▪ Two old chairs, a broken jug, and half a candle: these were all his worldly goods.

▪ All her worldly goods were contained in four cardboard boxes.

5. to say you have a right to be the legal owner or something

▷ lay claim to /ˌleɪ ˈkleɪm tuː/ [verb phrase]

to say that you have a right to own something, especially something that is owned by someone else :

▪ Both Britain and Argentina lay claim to the Falkland Islands.

▪ A stranger who said he was my father’s brother had arrived to lay claim to his fortune.

▷ stake your claim /ˌsteɪk jɔːʳ ˈkleɪm/ [verb phrase]

to say publicly that you believe you have a right to own something, especially when other people also say they have a right to own it :

▪ If you want some of the furniture, now’s the time to stake your claim.

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