n. 1 an expedient or device (escape was their only resource). 2 (usu. in pl.) a the means available to achieve an end, fulfil a function, etc. b a stock or supply that can be drawn on. c US available assets. 3 (in pl.) a country's collective wealth or means of defence. 4 a leisure occupation (reading is a great resource). 5 a skill in devising expedients (a person of great resource). b practical ingenuity; quick wit (full of resource). 6 archaic the possibility of aid (lost without resource). one's own resources one's own abilities, ingenuity, etc. resourceful adj. resourcefully adv. resourcefulness n. resourceless adj. resourcelessness n.
[ F ressource, ressourse, fem. past part. of OF dial. resourdre (as RE-, L surgere rise) ]