Meaning of RESOURCE in English

[re.source] n [F ressource, fr. OF ressourse relief, resource, fr. resourdre to relieve, lit., to rise again, fr. L resurgere--more at resurrection] (1611) 1 a: a source of supply or support: an available means--usu. used in pl. b: a natural source of wealth or revenue--often used in pl. c: computable wealth--usu. used in pl. d: a source of information or expertise

2: something to which one has recourse in difficulty: expedient

3: a possibility of relief or recovery

4: a means of spending one's leisure time

5: an ability to meet and handle a situation: resourcefulness syn resource, resort, expedient, shift, makeshift, stopgap mean something one turns to in the absence of the usual means or source of supply. resource and resort apply to anything one falls back upon "exhausted all of their resources" "a last resort". expedient may apply to any device or contrivance used when the usual one is not at hand or not possible "a flimsy expedient". shift implies a tentative or temporary imperfect expedient "desperate shifts to stave off foreclosure". makeshift implies an inferior expedient adopted because of urgent need or countenanced through indifference "old equipment employed as a makeshift". stopgap applies to something used temporarily as an emergency measure "a new law intended only as a stopgap".

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