Meaning of RESOURCE in English

— resourceless , adj. — resourcelessness , n.

/ree"sawrs, -sohrs, -zawrs, -zohrs, ri sawrs", -sohrs", -zawrs", -zohrs"/ , n.

1. a source of supply, support, or aid, esp. one that can be readily drawn upon when needed.

2. resources , the collective wealth of a country or its means of producing wealth.

3. Usually, resources . money, or any property that can be converted into money; assets.

4. Often, resources . an available means afforded by the mind or one's personal capabilities: to have resource against loneliness.

5. an action or measure to which one may have recourse in an emergency; expedient.

6. capability in dealing with a situation or in meeting difficulties: a woman of resource.

[ 1640-50; ressource, OF ressourse, n. deriv. of resourdre to rise up resurgere, equiv. to re- RE- + surgere to rise up, lift; see RESURGE, SOURCE ]

Syn. 1, 5. resort. 5. means, contrivance, shift. 6. inventiveness, adapability, ingenuity, cleverness.

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .