n. & v.
n. 1 a the complete movement of one leg in walking or running (took a step forward). b the distance covered by this. 2 a unit of movement in dancing. 3 a measure taken, esp. one of several in a course of action (took steps to prevent it; considered it a wise step). 4 a a surface on which a foot is placed on ascending or descending a stair or tread. b a block of stone or other platform before a door, altar, etc. c the rung of a ladder. d a notch cut for a foot in ice-climbing. e a platform etc. in a vehicle provided for stepping up or down. 5 a short distance (only a step from my door). 6 the sound or mark made by a foot in walking etc. (heard a step on the stairs). 7 the manner of walking etc. as seen or heard (know her by her step). 8 a a degree in the scale of promotion, advancement, or precedence. b one of a series of fixed points on a payscale etc. 9 a stepping (or not stepping) in time with others or music (esp. in or out of step). b the state of conforming to what others are doing (refuses to keep step with the team). 10 (in pl.) (also pair of steps sing.) = STEPLADDER. 11 esp. US Mus. a melodic interval of one degree of the scale, i.e. a tone or semitone. 12 Naut. a block, socket, or platform supporting a mast.
v. (stepped, stepping) 1 intr. lift and set down one's foot or alternate feet in walking. 2 intr. come or go in a specified direction by stepping. 3 intr. make progress in a specified way (stepped into a new job). 4 tr. (foll. by off, out) measure (distance) by stepping. 5 tr. perform (a dance). 6 tr. Naut. set up (a mast) in a step. in a person's steps following a person's example. mind (or watch) one's step be careful. step by step gradually; cautiously; by stages or degrees. step-cut (of a gem) cut in straight facets round the centre. step down 1 resign from a position etc. 2 Electr. decrease (voltage) by using a transformer. step in 1 enter a room, house, etc. 2 a intervene to help or hinder. b act as a substitute for an indisposed colleague etc. step-in attrib.adj. (of a garment) put on by being stepped into without unfastening.
n. such a garment. step it dance. step on it (or on the gas etc.) colloq. 1 accelerate a motor vehicle. 2 hurry up. step out 1 leave a room, house, etc. 2 be active socially. 3 take large steps. stepping-stone 1 a raised stone, usu. one of a set in a stream, muddy place, etc., to help in crossing. 2 a means or stage of progress to an end. step this way a deferential formula meaning 'follow me'. step up 1 increase, intensify (must step up production). 2 Electr. increase (voltage) using a transformer. turn one's steps go in a specified direction. steplike adj. stepped adj. stepwise adv. & adj.
[ OE stpe, stepe (n.), stppan, steppan (v.), f. Gmc ]